Still Learning, Because You Can Teach an Old “Dog” New Tricks!

#sol24- May 7, 2024

I am at the age when people younger than me are retiring and that feels weird. Sure, I am tired some days, but isn’t everyone? Also, how would I financially swing it without an income? (Spoiler alert, I couldn’t!)

Even though I am that old, I cannot stop bubbling over with excitement at learning! “Did you see Jennifer Serravallo’s new book?” I asked a few people this morning. “Look at the cool structure, we could use that!” I said showing someone a printout from the site. A few minutes later we were committing to an online summer book club- yay, I love learning with others!

Fast forward to my planning period and I hit submit on one of the hardest things I have ever done. I am applying to be a part of a two-year cohort to train as a literacy coach. They only take 25 people and it draws from the entire East Asia Regional Council of Schools, so my chances are slim. It is something I have wanted to do for years, so although the application process took a long time I decided it was worth a chance. I will hear in June whether I got accepted or not. I would love this chance to learn!

Then there are the fifth graders. Every single day I learn with them. We are reading The Guardian Test (Legends of Lotus Island #1) by Christina Soontornvat. We were only on chapter 11, but I paused to ask the students what themes they saw emerging. They absolutely shocked me with the depth and complexity they uncovered (things like “You don’t know who you really are until you are challenged”, “Try new things it might surprise you”, and so many more). Then I asked them, “Are there any of these lessons that you could learn along with the characters?” Again, they impressed me with their honesty and heartfelt answers backed up by reasons. Friends, we are in good hands with these thinkers as our future. We ended with a quick chat about how some people think fiction is for fun and nonfiction is for learning, yet we are learning how to be better people by reading fiction, YES!

Today I am grateful that I get to keep learning every day!

5 thoughts on “Still Learning, Because You Can Teach an Old “Dog” New Tricks!

  1. The profession needs people like you because you are the institution of memory and knowledge. Good luck with the application process– and you’ve inspired me to take a closer look at Jen’s book. It’s been on my back burner.

  2. A joyful reflection on learning! And teaching! I was 70 when I retired. I still do some tutoring (volunteer!) because I love learning and I love students. I still find lots of learning opportunities- reading, participating in writing groups, community classes, church groups… reading, and did I mention writing?! Keep learning!

  3. Yay to modeling a life of constant growth, to your students and your colleagues. Shall we all write you letters of recommendation for the literacy coach opportunity? You have a community here that can’t imagine them not taking you!

  4. You are a model learner and I’m always inspired by your passion for learning. Good for you for applying for the coach training. You’ll have to keep us posted. I’m rooting for you!

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