Change Is Possible- SOLC11- March 11, 2015


A short poem today as I looked for a new way to write. For the first time in this challenge I drafted in my notebook first and then redrafted before blogging.

Change Is Possible

Time is passing quickly,

Have to catch my breath,

Focus on the possible,

Look for what might be,

On the edge of ready,

Leaning in to listen,

Changing my perspective,

Choosing what’s important,

Being mindful as can be,

Concentrate on now.

12 thoughts on “Change Is Possible- SOLC11- March 11, 2015

      1. But when we are all writers together, it seems “easier” and more “doable”. I remember agonizing over every word in every post last year – not that fearful now! But I also have much more empathy for any person who says, “I don’t know what to write!” Writing needs practice . . . ❤

  1. Bravo!!! Last year I wrote Haiku once for the Challenge. This year I have written haiku and a poem. I feel so confident posting my poetry. Not si with my poetry.

  2. Your poem is beautiful Erika. A much needed message for so many – to focus on the possible and look for what might be. It certainly resonated with me. Your students are lucky to have such a passionate teacher of reading and writing. ISKL is a better school with you in it 🙂

  3. Hmmm…now I’m wondering what you’re thinking about. What is this change? Kudos to you for being a risk-taker and posting poetry for the first time. I remember back when I thought poetry was scary, not for me, and just plain hard! I had to try a few times before I realized what fun it could be. Well done! 🙂

  4. I loved the line “on the edge of ready.” Some of my students are stuck on that edge and not daring to look over, not daring to test their wings yet. Such a visual this line created in my head. I’m glad you shared your poem today!

  5. I wrote a poem for my slice today too! I love the “Edge of ready” line like others who have commented–Amy Poehler is one of my sheroes and she recommends doing things before we think we’re ready–good luck with whatever you are contemplating today.

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