SOL- May 19, 2015 Same, Same But Different


Same, Same But Different

As I get ready to finish up my first year I am busily reflecting on how it has all gone. Every year is brand new for me as a teacher and this is part of what I love about this job. This year has been filled with change, but some things have stayed the same. The big similarity I am noticing is that kids are kids, wherever you go. Sure these kids are individuals and no two are the same, but I enjoy noticing behaviors, interests, styles, language patterns, strengths, challenges, and more that remind me of other students from other years.

Some things I want to remember for next year are (no particular order):

  • community is key- we spent lots of time this year building community and it matters!
  • awareness- I started playing around with mindfulness this year and look forward to using it more in our class next year
  • change- my one little word has kept me thinking about what I want to keep and what I want to change- I like this focus
  • welcoming- it is true everywhere, but I need to remember to keep an open mind and welcome new ideas
  • best practice- I need to make sure that I am doing what I consider best practice (or really have a good reason that I am not)
  • balance- the first year in a new school is not always a good one for balance- I am hoping next year will be better for this
  • choose wisely- I want to be more thoughtful about what I take on, so that I can do more better
  • celebrate success- sometimes in the hustle and bustle this gets forgotten
  • research- I like trying out new ideas and researching first hand ( I have written in the past about my students being great guinea pigs)
  • collaboration- this is something I enjoy and need to do more often
  • learning is a lot about love- everyone learns more this way
  • perspective- there are many ways and no one right way (usually)
  • books, books, books- all of the above relate to books in my mind- they really form the foundation of much of what is the most important to me (and really help distract me when I need to be doing something else)

In the next 2 1/2 weeks as we finish out the year I am going to try to add on to my list and make it more specific. This will give me some of my summer “homework” as I reflect on how to make the next year better…

teaching third grade

3 thoughts on “SOL- May 19, 2015 Same, Same But Different

  1. Congratulations on finishing your first year. So glad you use writing to think through the nature of your successes. Enjoy the summer and good luck next year.

  2. Hooray for you – you made it through what is a very trying year. You have shared such wise reflections, too – I’m passing this along to a colleague who has completed her first year, too.

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