Baking Therapy to the Rescue


#sol18- March 15, 2018 Day 15 of 31

Today was a hard day- a very hard day in a hard week (think specials cancelled, extra duties because of absent assistant and you will have a glimmer of an idea of the day). Obligations do not always care about the day you’ve had, so I knew I had a busy night ahead, as tomorrow is my turn to supply Crunchito.

I had two leads as to where to purchase the finishing sliced almonds, so I headed to the shop of recent sighting. After wandering the narrow aisles for a few minutes- I found them! A bit of a wait in line to pay, then I was out the door. After a sweaty walk home, it was time to put the stress of the day behind me and indulge in baking therapy. The Peach Melba Shortbread Bars recipe looked pretty easy, but without a food processor it meant getting my hands messy and it turns out working the butter into the flour mixture also melted my cares away. With the soundtrack of Hamilton blaring in the background the necessary crumbly texture was achieved (twice, in separate batches as my oven can not manage two pans at the same time) and that was enough to relax me. I decided to make the bars in muffin form, so we shall see tomorrow how that works (I have a feeling the crust may be a bit thick, but…). So here I am, first batch in the oven, second batch mixed and ready, with time to slice (eat dinner, and make tomorrow’s breakfast). Baking therapy has me ready to tackle the rest of the evening.

Tomorrow is Track and Field Day in the morning- another exciting day for the students, so I know I will earn my Crunchito treat. Luckily my baking therapy has me feeling ready for an early night!


Definitely not Pinterest worthy, but…


5 thoughts on “Baking Therapy to the Rescue

  1. Baking is therapy! Focusing on the measuring, mixing, and timing is meditative, in my opinion. Hope your day is better today, and your Crunchito time is yummy!

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