A Few Shining Moments from My Day Add Up to the Tipping Point


#sol18- September 18, 2018

Today was one of those days where lots seemed to click- it all added up to me realizing that I have passed the tipping point- it is official- I LOVE my class!

Moments I loved today:

  • Students are taking on more ownership in the classroom- One student commented before Morning Meeting that it looked like the boy who was scheduled to do a Book Talk would be absent again and then promptly volunteered to step in.
  • Students are making connections– last week as we finished up a fiction reading unit we discussed author’s purpose- a big shift for third graders as they go from discussing what choice a character made to what choices the author made- today we were beginning a nonfiction reading unit and students were inquiring into author’s choice there as they looked at text features and what the author was doing to support readers as they read. The discussion was animated and the thinking on high.
  • As the students came in after recess one student reported that another was crying (and then went on to tell me that tempers had been fiery). When the upset student came in I asked him what had happened. “X kicked me,” he said. “What happened before that?” I asked. “I cheated because I was sad.” After a few minutes of discussion, he was ready to clean himself up and get on with his afternoon. He brought the moment up later in a personal reflection and his goal to be a good teammate. I was impressed that he felt safe enough to be so honest.
  • After school, I was putting the end of unit reflections in a Google Drive folder and keeping a list of whose work I had so that I could remind those who hadn’t shared their doc with me to share tomorrow and guess what??? I had everybody’s who was at school today. I was shocked- I do not think that I have ever had a whole class share correctly this early in the year (okay, it may have helped that there were three other adults in the room while the students did the work, so lots of support, but everyone, wow!). I am impressed and will be sure to mention it tomorrow.
  • Really there were many other great moments today but it all added up to my realization on the way home – I know we will have our ups and downs throughout the year, but we really have already reached the point in the year where I feel like we have a really good community and I love this class! Yippee!


Slice from a former student.


5 thoughts on “A Few Shining Moments from My Day Add Up to the Tipping Point

  1. I remember those drives home from school, when my mind reviewed the day and touched my emotions either positively or negatively. I love how many specifics you were able to provide and I’m happy for you that things are gelling so quickly in the school year. Have a wonderful one and savor the moments.

  2. So glad you’re off to a terrific start. I’m sure there’s been a lot of work and community building activities and conversation to get to this point. Kudos to all of you! Enjoy!

  3. The savoring and celebrating of these moments is so important – something to hang onto in a discouraging moment. I think what struck me most was “feeling safe enough to be honest.” That sense of being in a safe place is where all the learning and growing begins.

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