Honk the Horn and Go for It!

#sol23- March 3, 2023

“Oh, it’s you again,” the driver greeted me as I walked out of the hotel four minutes early (in response to his WhatsApp message me last night to “Be on time.”

This was the same driver who picked me up from the airport 5 days ago. Somehow we had trouble finding each other, even though I walked around the waiting area several times, but in the end we found each other. Then I was tired and eager to get to my hotel. This morning I was wide awake, so merely smiled and said good morning (rather than sighing and replying “Oh, no, not you again!” as I might have wanted to).

In Vietnam they use their horns more than in Cambodia, but way less than in India. This driver loves his horn. Someone here told me the “honk and go” mantra- it is meant to be a friendly warning, just letting the other driver you are approaching and ready to go ahead.

This driver was on a mission to get to the airport fast it seemed. As long as I did not look at all the close encounters that was okay with me. I did feel for pedestrians and motorcyclists alike as he honked with abandon. Cars and trucks also got a blast of the horn as he passed and, if he felt someone was not out of his way fast enough, there was a dramatic sucking of the teeth moment.

We zipped along, ahead of my planned arrival at the airport until… Whether it was a known place for speeders to be caught or a secret signal he got from another driver I will never know. This stretch in Da Dang where most of the five star luxury resorts are clustered is where he suddenly obeyed the speed limit, kept to one lane, and kept his hand off the horn.

As we passed this little oasis of tranquility I could feel my own breathing slow. Then with a boost of adrenaline he was off again for the final bit- a few honks and tooth sucks for good measure he dropped me at the entrance and headed on my way.

This time in Hoi An has been all that- the rush and the quiet- a chance for a change of routine. Now as I sit in the second airport of the day I am headed back to Phnom Penh. I have the weekend to catch up on all the must do items before it is back to school on Monday. Lucky me!

11 thoughts on “Honk the Horn and Go for It!

  1. It is interesting how honking culture is different in different countries. Honking in Estonia is rare.

  2. “a few honks and tooth sucks for good measure he dropped me at the entrance and headed on my way.” I love the pace of this slice – how it speeds up, then slows down briefly before finishing off with a zing. Happy transition weekend! May your Monday return be peaceful.

  3. “This time in Hoi An has been all that- the rush and the quiet- a chance for a change of routine.” Your post reflected this perfectly. The fast and the slow. Safe travels!

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