
#sol23-Mar. 10, 2023

Waiting- turns out I am not good at it.

9:30 doctor’s appointment.

First I have to show my passport, then get blood pressure, pulse, temperature check.

Then the exam- quick.

Must get sonogram, taken downstairs, wait.

All good with that.

Back upstairs to wait for the chance for my urinalysis.

Wait for the cup- my part was quick, but not enough.

Drink water, better effort.

Wait to turn in my cup.

Then the wait for the results… Must wait in the office in case an antibiotic is needed.

They said less than 30 minutes, but so far I am on 40- it is 11:30…

4 thoughts on “Waiting

  1. Thanks for. drawing our attention to how much waiting we have to do (in different places). Mine is sitting in traffic. We find ways to fill that time. Whilst waiting we also think about what we could be doing instead.

  2. Great description of your process at the doctor. So much waiting. Your short sentences emphasis the matter of fact business at the visit. The last time I was at the dr there was so much waiting and then a 20 minute wait to check out! It was hard not to be frustrated.

  3. Your impatience with all the waiting comes through with your use of short sentences. I have had more visits to the doctor’s office lately and always vow I’m going to use the waiting time to write in my notebook, but somehow I keep forgetting to bring it in with me! Hope it all turned out well for you.

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