My Constant Confusions

#sol23- Mar. 12, 2023

Today I came back to my state of confusion. I am in my ninth year in a row living in a part of the world where the clocks do not change, yet the clocks changing still throws me in a tizzy as I have to remember as I communicate with faraway friends and family, attend Zooms, etc. To make it worse the clocks change on a different weekend in Europe- gotta keep that in mind with my connections there… Thank goodness for my weather app on my phone that keeps me sorted (except that sometimes it takes a day or two to catch up). If I was in charge of the world if countries insist on changing their clocks they would all have to do it on the same dates.

Other confusions- the type of plug- never mind 110 or 220 or any other variation. I have spent lots of extra money rebuying appliances in my frequent moves or replacing plugs.

While we are at it, why can the US not get with the metric system? Waaaaaay back when I was in elementary school we learned both systems because we were “going to change soon.” I am 60 and it still has not happened. It would make cooking, talking about the weather, talking about destinations, and so much more easier.

I am sure if I keep thinking there will be other things that keep me constantly confused (or on my toes, if I am being optimistic). Let’s not even mention currencies. I know it is the result of my privilege- I am lucky enough to travel all over, so usually I appreciate the differences. Today the time changes just got me thinking.

11 thoughts on “My Constant Confusions

  1. I am soooo with you on all the things!! The Metric thing though…that’s the worst! Also, why is it that some places in the same country change clocks and some don’t? And why are some time zones a difference of 1.5 hours rather than hours only!?!

    1. I am Canadian and I wish our neighbours to the south would align with the metric system – we do so much trade.

  2. Erika, I’m so confused, I did not realize the clocks were changing until I got online today to read TWT slice of life posts. I’m a few years older than you, but I, too, remember trying to grasp the metric system and being told that this was the way we were going to go. What did happen there, I wonder.

  3. I totally agree, living in an Australian state that doesn’t do daylight saving, I constantly have to remember how far forward the other states are. I’m also with you on the metric system, even without living in the US, you definitely confuse the rest of the world! And yes, it leads to confusion!

  4. Erika, I am with you on the time zone confusion. With locations around the world proscribing to various time change protocols, it is aggravating to do the mental gymnastics. I find it can be tricky scheduling a Mystery meet with classes around the world. I always need to double check the times.

  5. Yes, so confusing! Now that I have a college student who deals with a different time zone, I want more than ever to be the same!

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