SOL- April 7, 2015


April 7, 2015

My first non SOLC slice!

Today in class we tried out a poem from a suggestion in Kate Messner’s 59 Reason to Write. I decided to try it too. In it you use the digits in your phone number to tell you how many words to write on each line.


Special time,


going “home”,

visiting family, friends, seeing new places,

looking for adventures, quiet, reconnecting, pausing, new energy,

reading, writing, talking, traveling, visiting,


hurrying there to relax, bored

always making memories

special time.

I am thrilled that some of my students want to continue slicing Tuesdays too! You can check out their posts on the right side of our class blog.

8 thoughts on “SOL- April 7, 2015

  1. I did telephone poems with my students more than 30 years ago, prompted by some samples in my big red NCTE notebook of ideas. I wonder if anyone else had that big red notebook. How did you handle zeros? I have two in my current phone number.

  2. Made me ache for summer! We wrote poems like this only we used the digits in Pi. It can be a lot of fun! I love trying new writing ideas. You just never know which tidbit will be the thing to inspire!

  3. Now that’s a fun format that I’ve never seen before.I guess I could call you now, right? I guess the zeros would throw me off, if you had any. Summer, hurrying to relax and be bored. Sounds good.

  4. I started my first Tuesday slice today also! I love the idea of using a phone number for a poem. I am on Easter vacation right now, but am certainly writing that down for an idea for my students. ps–I checked out your class blog and love the look of the padlet for a short book check in.

  5. I’m longing for summer adventures, longer days, and spending more time with my daughter. While I love having more time to work because she’s in school, I do miss having uninterrupted days with her.

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