Jump Starting a Car #sol16 Day 9 of 31


Jump Starting a Car

For whatever reason today was an exhausting day. I was working away after school when I suddenly remembered it was the first the first meeting of our new YA Book Club, so I better get moving. Traffic was slow, but I picked up some cheese and lemonade to go with the crackers I had bought in anticipation of a night out during the week. After eating lots of delicious cheese and some spring rolls we had our discussion. We all enjoyed the book (Mosquitoland) and had a lively discussion. After a quick tidy we were out the door. As we walked out one of the women noticed her lights on her car were on, “But they are still one, so my battery must be okay,” she reasoned.

Unfortunately, a quick turn of her key let us all know that she was out of luck. She had jumper cables in her car (good luck), but did not know how to jump start it (bad luck). There were three of us with her with no knowledge (bad luck). “The guards at the guard booth must know how,” someone reasoned (good luck), but nope (bad luck).

“We can call H and A inside,” another piped up. As it turned out one woman had a dead phone, another could not find hers. I had my phone and their number, so K (the out of luck driver) called- no answer (bad luck).

“Let me call my husband,” she said, “he will know how to do it.” No answer (this was getting comical). Another woman called her fiance with similar results.

“Oh, I can just figure it out”, K said, handing me the cables.

“Why don’t we Wikipedia it,” one suggested. So we did, and as we go through the first three steps the husband of the driver called back and our friends from inside came out. It turned out that K was doing everything correctly. As the car providing the “juice” started K turned her key again and again with no change in the inaction.

After checking Wikipedia again she found she was supposed to wait a minute. We did, the car started and after removing the cables in the reverse order that they were attached she was on her way. Amazing that it took that many of us and the internet to figure it out, but it definitely provided a laugh at the end of a long day. Thank goodness for cables in the trunk and Wikipedia on a phone. Now I am up too late (on a school night), so it’s off to bed I go!

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