Maker Spaces Everywhere #sol16 Day 8 of 31


Maker Spaces Everywhere

First thing this morning we went off to the Maker Space/Computer Lab at school. Tomorrow there is an eclipse (it will only be partial here) and as we have an earth and space unit coming up we wanted to make a connection now and let the students view the eclipse. In order to do that safely, we were making “eclipse viewers”. After a brief introduction by one of the tech integrators,  the students were off to make their own. After a bit of experimenting some students finished quickly and helped others along.

Blur cuts.jpg

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Tomorrow we will get to try them out! It is fun to make things we can really use!

After school was my after school activity (Book Love). There we had a maker space of a different kind. Students from grades 2-5 (31 in all) were spread out all over the room. Some were sitting at tables working on stories together. Some were sharing books and making their own versions. A few were drawing pictures and adding captions. A large group was working collaboratively on a story. One girl had written the text and several others were drawing full page illustrations to match the story. Others were reading, reading, reading. Everyone was having fun and fully involved. I am so glad the students get the chance to create what they choose!

6 thoughts on “Maker Spaces Everywhere #sol16 Day 8 of 31

  1. Choice and a space and time!!
    The trifecta!! I loved getting a glimpse of your school environment, too, through words and pictures!!

  2. I would totally love to have more of a Maker Space option for our middle school students. Love the pictures and the engagement your students are showing here.

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