Bookstores #sol16 Day 30 of 31



Today was a travel day- I flew from Chiang Mai to Bangkok (if you were expecting me to talk about my cooking course, there was a little vacation induced error on my part, so it did not happen).

I arrived at my fancy hotel by 2:45 and after dropping off my bag I was ready to explore. Truthfully I had done a tiny bit of research about the area near my hotel before coming, so I knew that a bookstore was nearby. In Chiang Mai I saw no fewer than four bookstores, which amazed me, but their selection of children’s books in English was limited, so I was eager to explore a larger store. I walked to the “sky train” figured out how to buy a ticket and rode the one stop to the mall where the bookstore awaited me. Kinokuniya is a Japanese book store with branches all over the world and I visit the KL branch almost every week. I was eager to see what they had in stock here. Happily many of the books there were not covered in plastic, so I could actually look inside them.

I had fun watching children shopping for books. Two brothers collected a huge pile of books and were in the process of finding out how much they would be spending in pounds when their father came over and squashed their dreams. He limited them to three books, although I later overheard him trying to get his 11-year-old son to “branch out” and “not waste his whole life on fantasy books.” Quietly I thought the father should be thrilled that his son wanted to read so much. I saw another father help his daughter ask where they could find dolphin books and then sit down to read the first chapter of Charlotte’s Web.

As for me, I found books I had been looking for and books I decided to add to our collection for our space unit. It was the perfect way to relax and although my souvenirs may be unconventional I know 17 students will look on them with eager eyes.


Tomorrow I can do some of the more traditional sightseeing.

11 thoughts on “Bookstores #sol16 Day 30 of 31

  1. How exciting your trip sounds! I loved your thoughts about the man and his son because I SO, SO agree! Enjoy the rest of your trip and safe travels!

  2. I love visiting bookstores when I travel as well! I have a collection of children’s books in various languages and they are a treat to share with my students. And I don’t underestimate the joy of finding books in English as well. I enjoyed hearing about your bookstore stop.

  3. Sounds like a great first adventure on your trip, Erika. The books look good. I have Those Shoes, a sweet story and good to discuss in a group. Happy Travels.

  4. This line stood out: “It was the perfect way to relax and although my souvenirs may be unconventional I know 17 students will look on them with eager eyes.” What lucky kiddos you have! I love bookstores, too, and I hope I can inspire that love in my students as well.

  5. Wherever we find ourselves in the world, it is difficult to resist the lure of a bookshop. Opportunities to unearth treasure. Thank you for the reminder of how gratifying such experiences can be. In Hoi An, Vietnam last May, came across a wonderful bookstore in the old city. Went back three times…

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