What Was I Thinking?


#sol19- March 23, 2019

It all started way back in October with the approach. “We need someone super organized on our team.”

I was new to the school and flattered, quite honestly, that my new colleagues considered me organized (I consider myself organized too, but because I am so messy it might be overlooked by some). Then there was the hook- it would mean lots of time hanging out with musical people. I have always been friends with the musicians. I have absolutely zero musical skills, but I know who the fun people are.

Looking over the job description quickly I could see a few problems- number one was the time involved (which included Mondays beginning in November and Thursdays beginning in January). I already have a leadership meeting each Monday. “No problem,” I was assured, “someone else can do Mondays until the last week and then we will get permission for you to miss that meeting.”

I looked over countless folders and realized that the job really was loosely defined, so I could really manage it- if I chose to accept. They must have known already that I am not good at saying no, so sure enough I said yes.

Flash forward to a week ago and it was THE week. Saturday we had a dress rehearsal and Monday-Thursday we had extended rehearsals from 2:45-4:30. The first show was last night and the last show was this afternoon. I have to be honest there were many times I questioned my sanity for taking on this extra commitment, but at the intermission today it seemed worth it. The end was in sight and I could already look back fondly at the opportunity it gave me to get to know 91 students a bit better and experience something different with them. It also gave me the chance to work with some of my new colleagues in more depth It reminded me that on the delivery table after giving birth to my older son I said, “I would have another.” Already I was thinking maybe I would help again next year, although there were at least 100 times in the last five months that I questioned my sanity for signing on.

As the lights went up and the audience cheered, Ali Baba and the Bongo Bandits came to a close and I felt some personal satisfaction that I had made it through! I really must practice saying no more often, but, maybe, I will say yes if asked to help out with next year’s musical.


5 thoughts on “What Was I Thinking?

  1. Glad you said Yes! I know you are too. You know the saying – doing the right thing isn’t always easy. Glad you didn’t “settle” for easy (or sanity) and followed through. Good for you!

  2. “They must have known already that I am not good at saying no, so sure enough I said yes.” Love this line and how realistic you are about your ability to say no. Saying no is difficult!

  3. The truth – (I consider myself organized too, but because I am so messy it might be overlooked by some). Love that line. Kudos to you for a job well done.

  4. I totally know the feeling. I recently led the school production (as a non-music or drama person), and I went crazy, but when it was over, I felt happy and relieved. Good on ya for taking on such a massive commitment!

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