Intentional Until the End!


#sol19- December 31, 2019

My one little word for 2019 was ‘intentional’ and it was just what I needed this year! For a change, I started talking and thinking about next year’s word earlier and I even compiled my previous words love, brave, change, joy, brave, challenge, and intention) and for the first time (duh!) realized that I have repeated brave!

Intention helped me to focus and prioritize and even pushed me to do a few things I might not have done (see the ukulele gathering dust in the corner of the living room, but also see that pictures are hung for the first time in more than five years). I finally had a complete physical (hello daily statin and vitamin D). I also worked hard to learn more about areas of interest (even beyond my teacher interests).

I ended the year intentionally by gathering my sons. We have not been together in at least 3 1/2 years and with son #2 almost finished law school and son #1 thinking about moving from S. Korea, I couldn’t be sure that we would all be able to make it happen in the near future. So #2 is here in South East Asia for his break and we flew to Hoi An, Vietnam so that we were a bit closer to son #1 who joined us for a day and a half. We ate well, had some clothing made, and enjoyed some together time. As they are now 26 and 28 I am grateful that we enjoy being together as adults. It is still strange to realize how time really does fly! I was happy to Skype my own parents on Christmas too!

Now on to the next challenge- choosing my word for 2020! This morning I had 37 words on my list- I may have it whittled down to 5 now, but hey, I have about 10 1/2 hours to go! I think I have it narrowed down to wholehearted, choose, fierce, play, and bold… I am (almost) ready for 2020. With moxie being a late entry!

5 thoughts on “Intentional Until the End!

  1. Love reading how intention allowed family time together! And your short-list is strong. You are going to have a great 2020 led by one of them!! Happy New Year!!! Looking forward to meeting up in DC this summer.

  2. It really does take intention coupled w/ action to make things happen. And I see nothing wrong w/ repeating a word. Have a happy, healthy 2020.

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