#SoL20- Day 22- Why Don’t I Learn What I Teach?


#sol20- March 22, 2020

“Why don’t I learn what I teach?” This has been rolling around in my brain since reading Sally’s post yesterday. She reminded me that I should use the lessons that I teach more often!

Today that slapped me in the face! Just last week I suggested to my students that, as we began online school, they should create a schedule for their day. Did I do that? No!

Last week felt so chaotic, unproductive, reactive, unpredictable.

Today I felt a bit more like myself. On Sundays, I make a schedule for myself because it sets me up for the week ahead. So this morning I made a schedule for the day and I am more or less sticking to it. I am a timetable person- I like being “on time” and I am happy to schedule in free time too.

Last week felt so out of control and I did not feel like I could make any kind of schedule, but I should have listened to my own advice. Now I am and I am okay knowing my plan may change, because life has to allow for surprises, especially now.

Of course, a schedule makes me more productive too. I set timers so that I have to (more or less) get things done in the time I’ve set aside, which ends up being like a series of challenges and I love self-set challenges.

While notebooking today I also listened to Poetry Unbound, a podcast I love- it relaxes me and I love the set up where repetition is built in. Further reminders to me- build in brain breaks and make room for some repetition, as it leads to new layers of meaning. It is also a reminder to me that I better pick up some poetry books from my classroom to add to our read aloud.

I feel like I’m learning more about myself in these challenging times- and for that I am grateful. Now perhaps, I will be more willing to learn what I try to teach…

6 thoughts on “#SoL20- Day 22- Why Don’t I Learn What I Teach?

  1. I need to take this lesson and run with it. I was a complete wreck… stunned, I hoped that all of a sudden media would announce ” just kidding” and make the madness go away. I’m going to try the schedule idea as soon as I wake again. I sure could use some structure to make it through this next week of quarantine. Good luck!!!

  2. There’s such calm and healing in poetry. And … I daresay many of us don’t always practice what we teach! Our “lessons” accordingly come harder … but today, your grabbed a lifeline and tossed it out to others. A schedule is something to hold onto – and helps us hold onto our sanity.

  3. It’s an interesting time. I really feel like we are learning alongside our kids how to navigate this brand new world. I too felt so lost last week. I didn’t know how to use my time well, everything took so long to figure out, I sat in my chair for too many hours. I’m going to learn from you and work out a schedule for the coming week.

  4. Such an honest and reflective stance you’ve sliced about. How often do we ‘practice what we teach’? I tried to create a schedule but couldn’t keep with it. So now I’m making a list of things I want to accomplish each day and making sure I add walk in nature, meditate, read, write…etc NOT just jobs to do-but passions to remember. Thanks for the podcast recommendation, too!

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