New Routines


#sol20- August 4, 2020

Well, here it is the second day back for teachers and I am having to create new routines for myself as I face “back to school” in a country that so far (knock on wood) has not had much of any community spread of Covid-19.

We are one of the few schools that have been given permission to re-open in Phase 1, so we are busily preparing for our new normal as we get used to wearing a mask at school, trying to prepare our classrooms for half of our students at a time to attend school while keeping at a two-meter distance in the classroom. I just had to move half of my class library out and the half that remains will be covered, as students are not allowed to use the books. I am gradually wrapping my head around all of the changes and looking forward to all of the good that will come out of this. I still have not figured out how I can teach without books in hands…

Tomorrow we host new student orientation via Zoom and on Thursday we start with two days of online school as we await the final approval to open hybrid, possibly as soon as Monday. Lots more routines needed to make this all work as smoothly as possible, so, busy days ahead!


5 thoughts on “New Routines

  1. Erika, I’m thinking about you. Can I make video read-alouds for your students to view?? I can’t imagine teaching without books. In VA, I’ll return on the 24th and kids “come” on 9/8 but all will be remote. I have time now. Seriously, what titles do you want kids to hear?

    1. This is so kind. I also have some titles recorded if you need some. We haven’t heard about access to books yet… but I can’t imagine not letting kids read books. Fingers crossed that this is only temporary. Good luck launching this school year like no other. ❤️

  2. Wow, Erika! This is amazing and nerve-racking all at once.
    You’re still in Cambodia, right?
    Good luck with all of the preparations. The book thing is going to deal with.

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