Invite- What I Needed This Month- March 21, 2021 #sol21

#sol21- March 21, 2021

6 thoughts on “Invite- What I Needed This Month- March 21, 2021 #sol21

  1. Invitations often show care, a message that someone wants you to be included, a belief that you would contribute.Invitations don’t pressure. They give choice. I liked how many invitations you had in your slice. I hope your kids accept your invitation.

  2. I like the idea of the umbrella word and the connected word every month. i could have done that with my umbrella word DRIVE. I guess it’s not too late to start in April. Thanks for encouraging others by inviting them for excellent experiences. I learned a lot yesterday at the TCRWP Reunion.

  3. I really like how you’ve revised OLW to include 13 little words! I often feel stuck by the pressure of choosing ONE WORD for THE WHOLE YEAR. I think next year, I’m going to try your idea of a different word each month. Invite is also such a rich and hopeful word!

  4. I love how you lived your word in so many ways! So glad you could participate in the TCRWP Reunion Sat. I kinda hope it is something that stays virtual as it allows people from all over the world to participate! I also just INVITED you to my Virtual Summer Book Club! Seems I sent the invite on the perfect day!! Feel free to share with others!!

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