5:30 AM Idea…March 1, 2021 #sol21

#sol21- March 1, 2021

Does this happen to you too? Some of my (best) teaching ideas come to me when I am not really looking for them. You know, in the shower or in that moment when you are lying in bed before launching into your morning routine. Now it seems the same is happening for writing ideas.

So it was this morning, March 1, as I slowly woke up. At first I thought, “It’s March 1, the start of my seventh year of the Slice of Life Challenge and a Monday.” In a twist of fate it is an extra long weekend, so I knew I could lounge, not leap, yet I had no idea for my first day.

Experience has taught me that i will live this month as a slightly different person as every single day I search for a story to tell. Seven years in and you would think I’d have it down to a science. I should be a pro and could just go forth on auto pilot, right?!

But there I was, on Day 1 and I already had that flash of terror! Would I be able to do it EVERY DAY for a month if this first day already felt scary? I am a weird combination of planner and pantser. I always mean to be well planned, but even when I am I regularly ignore my plans and fly by the seat of my pants.

I did (yesterday) make blank blog drafts for all 31 days, somehow doubling up on two days and labeling one #sol20. I did think about making a list of 31 ideas in case my mind went blank every single day (but alas, I did not write a list…). I did change my blog theme, because… well, I am a master procrastinator.

So at 5:30 AM, when I was lying awake in bed I thought about my why. Why am I doing this to myself again when I already know how hard it is and I feel too busy?

I do it because it is hard and I am too busy and it is a few minutes of self-care in these full-on days. I have to slow myself down, put myself in a chair and write. I have to hit publish, because tomorrow will be another chance to be more ready. We are in the midst of our fourth round of online school this school year and last year taught me that when I am alone in my apartment every day I may even need this more than ever. I am in it for the community,

I get way more than I give for sure!

I get (in no particular order):

  • to read
  • to be inspired
  • to empathize
  • to learn
  • to pick up writing tips
  • to live like a writer
  • to know new people
  • to reconnect with old friends (some of whom I have actually met)
  • to encourage newcomers
  • to be challenged
  • to fulfill a promise I made to myself (to show up every day)
  • to know myself better
  • me time
  • to find more ideas
  • to see the world with fresh eyes
  • to live more wide awake

At 5:40 I did leap out of bed, knowing that I had a plan for day 1, now if those other 30 will just politely line up and make themselves known each day. Happy slicing!

25 thoughts on “5:30 AM Idea…March 1, 2021 #sol21

  1. I found this post insuring. I’m cheering for you—and for myself. I love that you’re thinking about writing as self-care. Have a wonderful day and a month filled w/ inspiration.

  2. Too hard and too busy. You are exactly right. But your list of the rewards is spot on and when you HAVE to, you spend your day looking for something you might be able to turn into a slice. Good luck this month. If you’ve done it for six years, I’m pretty sure you are a pro.

  3. ‘That flash of terror’ Thank you for articulating what I have been feeling.
    I too hope that my Slices will politely line up.

  4. I could relate to this slice so well. Especially during busyness the slicing helps to slow down, notice and make sense. Cheers to the list! Here’s to another beautiful writing month!

  5. Erika! You completely captured all the feels i am feeling! I am happy to be slicing with you, again! Feels like TWT and SOL is how we first met so many years ago!

  6. Erika, I love your list of why you do this! Yesterday I was taking tylenol to deal with the headache and body aches from my 2nd vaccine shot and was trying to also make a plan. Also wondering about why I do this to myself. Your slice is also my why! Thanks for writing it down so well! As you stay home and teach today, I head back to my building, the 1st time since March 13, 2020. What a world!

  7. That first entry of the month can often be the hardest! I enjoy all the details you put into your slices and all the sideways tracks you take as on, as you write. Another month of anticipation

  8. Isn’t it crazy how you ‘know’ you can do it, because you have years of proof, and yet you wonder. Glad to be here with you once again. And thanks for the new vocab word today: pantser.

  9. Like you, I aspire to being a planner (and often don that identity to a degree), yet circumstances and my own flaws regularly conspire to put me in pantser mode. That’s okay, too, as your slice reveals. Necessity and strategy can both be mothers of invention!

  10. I have to admit that I am finding incredible comfort as a first time March slicer that you don’t have it down to a science as a seventh year! I’m such a planner, and I did make lists of running ideas, but I also wanted to be sure to ENJOY the writing experience. I’m also certain everyone’s writing will inspire me, and I want to be okay with changing course.

    Thank you for sharing; I’m excited to read your posts! 🙂

  11. I love all the “pre-blogging” rituals you went through – the blank posts, the brainstorming, the fussing with your blog theme. These are key to my writing, too! hahaha I totally agree with, “Experience has taught me that i will live this month as a slightly different person as every single day I search for a story to tell.” Every single day, there is a story to tell. Loved your first post! Thanks!

  12. This is the Slice of Life in one post: being nervous, creating a plan, looking at goals, and writing! This will be an awesome challenge!

    Good luck and thank you for being a continued role model in the community! 🙂

  13. Cheers from another pantser! I love this new term, and I think it fits me well. I’m going to have to teach it to my husband who often calls me a procrastinator. I also think most writers experience your fears. I think why a number one question for published writers is, “Where do you get your ideas?” Inspiration and strong feelings make for good writihng.

  14. I loved this one….I have the same issues when ideas come to be at crazy times – when I do not have anything to write the thought down or when I am half asleep and then in the AM I do not remember the details to my idea ! UGGHHH

  15. Love this! I make a list and then don’t write anything on that list! hahah As long as the posts get done in an authentic way…right??!!

  16. This is my first year and I love the idea to make a blank post for each day. Also, I agree that my best ideas come when I’ve stepped away from them.

  17. I’m glad you’re back…you hit the nail on the head with all the reasons why we do this. It is a form of self-care, and no matter how busy we are, we can get lots out of it if we make the time! 🙂 Here’s to 30 more days!

  18. As I have read posts today, so many of us have doubts and have questioned why we are doing this when so many other things pull us in all different directions. But in the end, we know. We know what this challenge does for us as writers and as humans. So glad to be writing together again!

  19. Hi Erika! I echo the feedback already given. You were first poster today! I don’t think that will ever be me! I hope you enjoyed your day off!

  20. This morning, I thought I would post my blog to TWT before going to school. I noticed your name right away (perks of life in a different part of the globe…ha) and was so excited to see you were joining. I wanted to make sure I came back to read this evening. The funny thing is, this post is exactly what I needed to read. This is where I am right now on Day 2. What will I write about? I feel like a student in the early days of writing workshop. Like you, I know if I trust this process of 31 days of trying to find a story I will end this month with a few that I am glad I wrote that would have gotten away otherwise. Well, Erika, here we go!

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