You Might Have a Book Buying Problem if…

#sol21- June 22, 2021

It happened again! I got a text from DHL saying that a package would be delivered by the end of the day- it was 2 PM and these texts usually come much earlier in the day, but I waited a few minutes for a phone call.

You see, I have now become accustomed to the wonderful man who delivers my book orders. Due to lockdowns, etc. he has even taken to calling on the day of a delivery to find out whether I want it delivered to school (the address on the packages) or home- whaaaa?!

A few minutes passed and I received no call. Maybe he has the day off, I thought, it happened once before. A few days later he sorted delivery, so I did not worry.

A few minutes passed. Riiing. My phone trilled and it was the DHL man. After confirming I was home I messaged that I was going out in a bit, but the package could be left with the guard at my building. Ten minutes later- another call. He was already outside with my package.

I might have a book buying problem, but Mr. DHL sure makes it even easier! It is the little/big things that remind me how lucky I am.

5 thoughts on “You Might Have a Book Buying Problem if…

  1. Love that closing line, Erika. “It is the little/big things that remind me how lucky I am.” Yes, I guess you might have a book-buying enabler there! 🙂

    It was great to see you at the Open Write on Saturday. I hope you’ll be back!

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