True Confessions of a Lazy Sunday!

#sol22- 6 March

I am a creature of habit. It used to be that I stayed away from school work on Saturdays so that it was a complete day off from school. Then we started having to plan for online school and in person school and there was way too much to do all in one day, so I split it up over the two days. This week we had a mini break Wednesday to Friday and Friday I committed to clearing a list (school work was not on THAT list. I was in a groove, so I decided to get started on schoolwork on Saturday…

I was super productive and only had 2/5 of my online planning to do by dinner time Saturday… so I got it done-on Saturday! This might let you know something about my not-so-exciting Saturday night plans. That meant that today I could indulge my inner lazy and watch some junk TV. What a perfect segue into the busy first week back as we celebrate our book week – calm and mind-numbing (it was Love Is Blind, truly not high art). Now I feel ready for the week ahead and ready for the more intellectually challenging celebration of reading with fifth graders. Break was great and I do feel ready to go back!

8 thoughts on “True Confessions of a Lazy Sunday!

  1. Your comparison of _Love is Blind_ being less intellectually challenging than celebrating reading with fifth graders made me laugh out loud, because it’s so true! 🙂

  2. In a recent post of things about me, I admitted I’m a sucker for Love is Blind. We all need to indulge once in awhile!

  3. Congratulations on getting all those lists shortened, Erika! Glad you had a relaxing lazy Sunday. You earned it and likely needed it! Have a great week ahead.

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