Maps and Me- A Complicated Relationship

#sol23- 21 Mar. 2023

I have always had a complicated relationship with maps. I love them really I do. I love to look at them, note the details, compare maps, etc. I always have maps and atlases around. I was extraordinarily proud when my sons did really well in their National Geographic Society Geography Bees and even sponsored an after-school activity so that kids at my school could participate.

What I do not love is navigating by them. I am spatially challenged. It used to make my ex-husband cringe when I had to turn the map around to let him know if we were going to turn left or right.

“What are you doing?” he would ask.

“I’m getting ready to answer your question. I need to turn the map in the direction we’re going so I know which way we are going to turn.” Cue eye roll (his).

If I have to go somewhere today I have the added benefit of Google Maps on my phone, but I still spend a lot of my time being lost…

A few weeks ago our building manager sent us all a message:]

“We are going to have the outside of the building repainted. This will involve scraping, and patching before repainting. We will also have all outside windows cleaned. It will take about three weeks per side and we will start on the north side.”

“Hmm,” I thought to myself. “I have no idea which that is.”

I mentioned the message to a friend who lives nearby, expecting her to commiserate. “That’s the side facing Rosewood,” she confidently replied, naming a noticeable highrise in the distance.

Sure enough, when the scaffolding went up a few days later she was right.

My apartment has windows on three sides- it turns out two of them face north. My bedroom windows. That was easy as I am so lazy I leave my curtains there closed all the time anyway, so my view was not hampered.

Then yesterday I noticed the telltale green “curtain” had been moved. Now my bathroom and one of my kitchen windows are covered. I would have expected after the north, they might go to the east, but according to my calculations, they have gone to the west side. South is going to be the hard one for me- my big windows in the living room and they will need access to scrape and paint the balcony. One of those weeks (if they keep to the schedule) falls over Khmer New Year and it seems unlikely they will work then, so it may mean really four weeks with dim daylight through the green shade

The view right now from my bathroom window. The green keeps all the dust and debris semi contained, which I am sure is a good thing.

3 thoughts on “Maps and Me- A Complicated Relationship

  1. Wow! I do hope for your sake it doesn’t last the four weeks. I’m the navigator of the family and have a pretty good track record with directions and maps, so if you need me, you know where to find me! LOL!

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