#Cyber PD Part 3- Who Owns the Learning?

Today Laura Komos‘s blog is the place to be as we share our reflections on the end of the book Who Owns the Learning? by Alan November.

I read the final chapters in a comfortable chair at a canal side bar in sunny Berlin so my reflections may not be as thorough as they should be, but I know I will come back to this book as there are many details I still need to digest!

Chapter 5- The Student as Global Communicator and Collaborator

I was so interested to see how empathy is valued world wide. It is a trait we try hard to teach and I think it is one that needs continued experiences. So many of students I teach struggle to put themselves in somebody else’s position. It is definitely something we talk about a lot. t was interesting to see that in general Europeans are good at valuing multiple perspectives, as I live in the heart of Europe. I wonder how this is measured, because I do not always feel it here.

I was really surprised to see that less than 25% of EPals interactions are US based. I must admit that although I signed up for EPals two years ago I have not really made good use of all of the resources and connections available there, but I have found many other ways to connect globally.

I loved the ideas of all the jobs that could be delegated related to Skypes. We Skype a lot and it would be great to get all of these perspectives involved regularly. I have primarily used Skype in the classroom to connect with authors and illustrators but look forward to using it more broadly. We have used Skype to connect with other classes about certain collaborative events, such as International Dot Day.

Using root zones for research was something I first learned about this spring, but I have not yet explored it much.

Being at an international school I really try to make use of the global perspectives the students in the class and their families can offer. It has been great to have parents and students offer their perspectives as part of our learning.


Chapter 6- Joining Forces in Purposeful Work: The Legacy of Student Contribution

This is something I need to think about more. I like the idea of legacies being left behind and for work to be continually built upon. I have not yet figured out how I will incorporate this into my class.


I look forward to reading about other people’s thinking on Laura’s blog today. The #cyperpd experience has been a great example of many of the points the author made in Who Owns the Learning? I have really benefited from hearing multiple perspectives! I hope that we can connect our classes in the coming year as we explore these ideas further in our classrooms!




10 thoughts on “#Cyber PD Part 3- Who Owns the Learning?

  1. Hello,
    Like you I just went publicly with my blogging and have been participating in the CyberPD event. (I’ve been having some challenges using WordPress during this event, but that’s another story…). Anyway I would love to connect or chat with your school next year. I work in the school library and teach grades K-5. I learned about International Dot Day on Pinterest and am hoping to celebrate it this coming school year. Let me know if you would like to video chat during that day or any other!

  2. Erica,
    I was very interested in the empathy conversation as well. I was happy to hear that corporate America values this trait and feels it is essential for success.

    I’d like to look into ePals more – this is the first that I’ve heard of it! It’s so great that your students are connecting with authors and illustrators through Skype – the roles would definitely help everyone to be involved.

    Have a great year!

  3. Erika,
    I love that you are commenting from Berlin! Sounds wonderful.

    It is interesting to read your perspective from an international school. I appreciated your reminder about International Dot Day. I need to check that one out.

    I think the global piece is one I want to think more about in the weeks to come.

    I am so glad you joined the conversation.


  4. Erika,

    I agree with Cathy that the global piece is one that I want to continue to think about. It was interesting to hear your take on the empathy section in the book.

    I, too, am pondering how to help my students leave a legacy. I am wondering if this is more challenging at the primary level. What do you think?


    1. Hi Jill,
      I definitely think the legacy piece is harder with younger kids- my kids would not read through a lot to get to the point that they could add on to a big body of work. The part I can see using is saving/copying student work as an inspiration for future students, which I only do a bit of. Maybe that is their legacy?

  5. Welcome to blogging! I look forward to our continuing (I hope!) #CyberPD posts about how things are working out in our classrooms!

  6. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us! I want to think more about the idea of a legacy being left behind, too. Hope we can continue learning and sharing about this together!

  7. Erika,
    Glad you could join in the cyberPD! I checked out ePals too and I was wondering if similar collaborative projects are happen via twitter…where classrooms have linked up for projects and posting shares via blogs and specific twitter hash tags. Two things I’m interested in for this year are Dot Day and the Global Read Aloud…we’ll see how it goes. I’d love to link up with you via Skype but right now it’s blocked in my district…hopefully that will change soon.
    If there is another way we could link up I’d love to try.

    1. Hi Amy,
      Would love to connect any way we can. We will be blogging and would love to connect that way. We could try a Google Hangout if your district allows them (sometimes it is a matter of trying out a technology before the powers that block are really aware of it:/). I am up for all kinds of connecting, so keep me in mind!
      We will be doing Dot Day and the Global Read aloud as well.

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