Currently #sol16 Day 12 of 31



Bracing for the last two weeks before break (I still think of it as Spring Break even though there are not really seasons here),

Deciding what to prioritize in the busy days ahead (Social Studies, Reading, and Writing units are all to be completed),

Reading four book club books today was my first job (for my students- one more for my own book club- that one will have to wait),

Correcting a geometry unit assessment- on to fractions Monday

Reflecting, researching, and writing a paper due in 9 days (on a recent conference I attended where I mostly learned about executive skills- so many implications),

Squeezing in some social events to celebrate special moments (a wedding and baby shower in the next 7 days),

Slicing with my students (and excited that some former students are slicing too!),

Trying to get my Kindles updated, although that does not seem to be working,

Suffering from literal nightmares lately, sleep is evasive,

Wanting to book my trip “home” for the summer,  but can not until I hear from TCRWP (source of my nightmares, as I really hope to get in to the summer institute),

Procrastinating on some other things I really should be doing.

3 thoughts on “Currently #sol16 Day 12 of 31

  1. I love this format! Sounds like life is busy right now (when is it not?). Hope you have a productive weekend and your spring break is a relaxing one!

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