“What Did You Want to Be When You Grew Up?” #sol16 Day 14 of 31


“What did you want to be when you grew up when you were our age?” one of my students asked me today. We were walking to the bus departure area- I enjoy this time of no pressure chat.

“Oh, I almost always knew I wanted to be a teacher,” I answered. “At times I thought I would want to be a detective, an author, or a lawyer, but from grade 2 on I always knew that I wanted to be a teacher,” I added. She may have said something else, but by then I was lost in thought.

Grade 2 was, indeed, the year I found my calling. From what I remember, Grade 2 was not a great year for me. We had moved after kindergarten and after going to the (new) neighborhood school for first grade my parents sent me to a new school, so I had to make new friends (again).  I know I hated PE so much that on many PE days I developed a fever (yes, a genuine, verified by the school nurse fever). My mother was working at a nursery school that year, so she could not just take me home. Somehow she knew that I was not “really” sick, but when the nurse called I had to go. She took me to her nursery school (called The Barn) and I got to “play school”. I had lots of preschool students happy to listen to me read or follow whatever else I had planned. Looking back, I am not sure how long it lasted- I just know that those were my first moments being a teacher, and I loved it. Eventually, I must have got used to PE, because I did participate, but it definitely was never a highlight of my day (I think I could write more than a few slices about negative PE experiences- PE teacher friends swear it is much different now).

As a third grade teacher, I can see some excellent teachers in my room- I hope they get the chance to do what they love as I have for so many years!

5 thoughts on ““What Did You Want to Be When You Grew Up?” #sol16 Day 14 of 31

  1. Great slice! How wonderful that a young person’s question can have us recalling a meaningful memory. Your slice made me feel grateful to be an educator 🙂

  2. What a great reflection on a career you’ve always chosen. I actually wanted to be a veterinarian as a kid – I would play veterinarian with my stuffed animals. I’m glad I became a teacher, though, and wouldn’t change it for anything! That’s so sad about your fevers. I had a hard 2nd grade year, too. So did my youngest daughter! What is it about that year?!

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